A digital platform providing consumers with the information they need to make responsible purchasing decisions


Gloria Luk

Megan Leung

Iris Chen (Founder)

Cara Mu (Co-Founder)


8 Months


Visual Design

Brand Direction

User Interface Design




What is Monest?

Monest is a current website and future web plugin that assesses the environmental and social impact of multiple popular brands. I joined Monest when they had established their logo and then developed the brand's visual identity into illustrations for the website, social posts and promotional decks.

What was my role?

Alongside my team member Megan, we led the visual design for the website overall and social platforms.

Establishing Monest’ Visual identity

We designed a short brand book detailing the branding change as a simple way for future UI UX designers to refer to when designing for the website.

Design iconography and navigation interface:

User interface adjustments for brand icons, and scaling recommendations:

Examples of visual design principles applied to social media posts:

What did I learn while working at Monest?

  1. End-to-end process delivery

  2. A good team environment truly fosters better work

  3. Adhering to timelines

Our Product Video

We worked with the motion designer on our team to design and create a relevant website promotion video. Here’s what we came out with: