
Redesigning a payment platform that allows users to make instant financial transactions.

Fintech App Re-Design

Team Members

Gloria Luk


User Research

Hi-Fidelity Design

Visual Design

User Testing

Project Length

1 week (Remote)

Tools Used




What is Shakepay?

Shakepay is a cryptocurrency brokerage platform that allows users to buy and sell Ethereum and Bitcoin almost instantly.


During the pandemic, with plenty of free time, I delved into the world of cryptocurrency.

Crypto, or cryptocurrency, revolutionizes transactions with decentralization and secure encryption. Despite the popularity, many are unfamiliar with crypto's intricacies, demanding more guidance. As the ecosystem rapidly evolves, bridging the knowledge gap becomes crucial to empower users and maximize this transformative tech's potential.

Why is the Redesign Important?

A better experience can help educate users, while increasing revenue for the company.


Why Competitive Analysis?

01 - I wanted to see what related crypto buy/sell services offered to scope out current competitor solutions and gaps.

02 - The analysis helped me learn the details of competitor services, and identified potential opportunities where Shakepay could out-perform them.

Analyzing competitors including Coinbase, Binance, and Robinhood, here’s what I found:


From Original —> Re-design

With the gathered research in mind, I redesigned 5 key user flows shown chronologically below:


Focus on User Interface

Visual design played a pivotal role in the Shakepay app redesign, as it greatly influenced user perception, engagement, and usability. Aesthetic appeal and intuitive layouts made complex financial concepts more accessible and appealing to users, enhancing their overall experience.


What test methods did I use?

Observational usability testing in the Shakepay app redesign allowed me to gather real-time insights into how users interacted with the interface. It identified pain points, helping me refine the design for better user experience and satisfaction.

Observational usability testing is especially valuable when time is limited because it provides immediate feedback and highlights critical issues. It allows for quick adjustments and ensures that the most pressing usability problems are addressed, making the most of the available time and resources.

Here’s what I could have done if given more time for this re-design:

Personal Takeaway 🤔:

01 - Color Psychology in Decision-Making:

The use of specific colors, especially in charts and graphs, impacted how users interpreted financial data. Leveraging color psychology in visual design influenced user confidence and investment decisions.

02 - Building Trust in Security Features:

Enhancing trust in the security of financial transactions was a key takeaway. The redesign emphasized that security measures and their presentation can significantly influence user confidence in handling digital assets.

03 - Simplifying complex topics through design

By streamlining user interfaces and enhancing user experience, this project reaffirmed the importance of user-centric design, making intricate subjects like blockchain and digital assets more approachable for everyday users